WCBS Encourages Individuals to ‘This Year, be Someone’s Type’

With an increased target of 163 000 whole blood donations and 6 000 plasma donations to meet envisaged blood usage requirements in 2023/2024, and aiming for 400 new donors per month, WCBS is encouraging the public to ‘This Year, be Someone’s Type’.

With the focus on recruiting youth donors, WCBS will offer free on-site blood group testing at participating tertiary training institutions from February – March. Individuals who get tested will receive a tote bag.

Did you know that there are currently 44 blood group systems with a total of 354 antigens, as listed by the International Society for Blood Transfusion (ISBT)? More information is available on the ISBT website www.isbtweb.org

Blood Services in South Africa perform mandatory donation testing for the ABO and Rh blood groups, which are the most clinically significant in terms of transfusion. As an added safety layer, the blood donation sample and segment from the donation pack are tested and results must concur in order for the pack to be labelled. New donors are tested twice on the same donation sample and once on the pack segment. The ABO antibody titre is also determined. High titre red cell containing blood packs must only be transfused to patients with the same blood group.

To register as a blood donor, update your donor profile, set a calendar reminder for your next donation and view blood stock updates. Download the latest version of the WCBS App.

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For more information about blood donation campaigns, contact Marike Gevers, Manager – Public Relations (Marike@wcbs.org.za)


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